Sundays Are for Resetting

Unpopular opinion: Sundays are usually my favorite day of the week. I don’t really get the Sunday scaries—probably because I’ve worked from home for nearly a decade, and not having to leave the comfort of my home makes a huge difference. For me, it’s about getting my shit together in my head and on paper, and then I’ll feel ready to take on the new week.

Here’s how I prepare to have a good week.

Create my menu for the week

I usually order the bulk of my groceries on Sunday night or Monday morning to pick them up in the afternoon. I’m sick of wasting my time wandering isles to grab things I don’t need, only to forget half of the things on my grocery list, so this works best for me. Plus, hello, I get my time back and can use it in some other, more appropriate wasteful ways.

On Sundays, I’m flipping through magazines and Pinterest to create a dinner menu for myself and my fiancé for the week. I’m in charge of cooking dinners, and considering I’m the one with the endless cravings that need to be met (you don’t want to see me angry from cravings deprivation), I’m good with that.

Plot out my appointments and meetings

I map out my week and then add everything into my daily planner pages. I’ve been digitally planning, so there’s a lot of easy editing and many different sticky notes and stickers to make it feel super fun and organized. It’s also nice to have a look at everything coming up. I like to get organized so that I’m prepared to jump into work mode Monday morning.

Reflecting and getting in the right mindset

I use Sundays to journal and get my mind in the right space. I reflect on my previous week. What went right, what didn’t. What I want to do and goal setting. Looking back at progress on personal projects. All the ish.

Dedicated self-care time

Saturdays and Sundays are for me. Sorry, not sorry. I will do a face mask, stretch, read, shop, nap—whatever I’m in the mood for. I put myself first and indulge so I can go into Monday feeling renewed and satisfied.

Wake up slowly

I don’t mind staying in bed a little longer than usual—even if my dogs do. I make sure to sleep in so I can pretend to “catch up” for my late nights.

Wendy Vazquez

Working in Slippers is your retreat and destination for those creatives who are currently, or want to start making money from home. You can have a career, even from your couch. Created by Wendy Vazquez, a former beauty, lifestyle, and shopping editor, turned content creator.

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